The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 aired on October 9, 2018. The episode is titled "Nora" with the next episode 2 coming on October 16, 2018 titled "Block". The episode started where the last season ended with an unexpected visit from the mystery girl who tuned out to be Barry and Iris's daughter from the future.
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As it turns out she was also a speedster, like her father. A new villain "Gridlock" was also introduced. With the power to absorb Kinetic energy, he quickly became the big baddie.
Nora West Allen brought with her new secrets and spoilers from the future including some one of which she repeatedly talked about, The Flash Museum.
Ralph Dibny was somewhat behind the others in figuring out who it was that time traveled first. Also to the concept of multiple earths.
A mother-daughter bonding scene is shown between the west family's new member Nora West Allen and Iris. Iris figures out that Nora is an image of Barry Allen. Nora tells her that she can do this talk with her anytime in the future. But Iris couldn't find out the truth about missing Barry here.
After figuring out a way to get her safely back to her timeline. Barry and Nora give it a try and fail miserably only to find the existence of negative Tachyons inside her.
The duo are somewhat safe after colliding with the speed force in the tunnel.
After confronting Nora, Barry finds out about his disappearance after her birth. Also that he will remain unseen for another 25 years afterwards. The flash remembers everything that the first Harrison Wells told him about this long ago in the first season.
Nora gave Barry a new ring just like the one the Reverse Flash used in season one. Inside it was a new reddish suit for the flash.
The red suit was new and upgraded to a whole new level. Also this was designed by Ryan Choi, the Atom. So it is possible that we see the Atom in the Arrowverse in the near future.
Finally a new mystery about the death of Caitlin's father was discovered by Ralph Dibny. Her father has faked his death for unknown reasons.
Finally the big baddie of the season, Cicada, was revealed.
Also Read: Most Viewed Youtube Video as of October 2018
That's all for the Flash season 5 episode 1 Breakdown.
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The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 Breakdown | Nora
This guest from the future appears at Joe's home while everyone was getting to know Jenna the newborn step-sister of Barry and Iris. They try to figure out how to get her back to the future without disrupting the timeline.Also Read: Game of Thrones Memes from Season 7
As it turns out she was also a speedster, like her father. A new villain "Gridlock" was also introduced. With the power to absorb Kinetic energy, he quickly became the big baddie.
Nora West Allen brought with her new secrets and spoilers from the future including some one of which she repeatedly talked about, The Flash Museum.
Ralph Dibny was somewhat behind the others in figuring out who it was that time traveled first. Also to the concept of multiple earths.
A mother-daughter bonding scene is shown between the west family's new member Nora West Allen and Iris. Iris figures out that Nora is an image of Barry Allen. Nora tells her that she can do this talk with her anytime in the future. But Iris couldn't find out the truth about missing Barry here.
After figuring out a way to get her safely back to her timeline. Barry and Nora give it a try and fail miserably only to find the existence of negative Tachyons inside her.
The duo are somewhat safe after colliding with the speed force in the tunnel.
After confronting Nora, Barry finds out about his disappearance after her birth. Also that he will remain unseen for another 25 years afterwards. The flash remembers everything that the first Harrison Wells told him about this long ago in the first season.
Nora gave Barry a new ring just like the one the Reverse Flash used in season one. Inside it was a new reddish suit for the flash.
The red suit was new and upgraded to a whole new level. Also this was designed by Ryan Choi, the Atom. So it is possible that we see the Atom in the Arrowverse in the near future.
Finally a new mystery about the death of Caitlin's father was discovered by Ralph Dibny. Her father has faked his death for unknown reasons.
Finally the big baddie of the season, Cicada, was revealed.
Also Read: Most Viewed Youtube Video as of October 2018
That's all for the Flash season 5 episode 1 Breakdown.
Don't forget to follow the blog AKBlogs on facebook & Twitter.
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